Sunday, August 23, 2009

Brazil's Finest

Quite possibly one of the world's most beautiful men just happens to live way, way south of the border... or perhaps south of the hemisphere to be more exact cool...

... And although at this point, some of these shots could be considered as classics, I figured I'd post these photos of 23 year-old Brazilian model Bernardo Velasco anyway just to further make the case for this physically stunning specimen of a human being.
These shots above were initially featured on Terra's The Boy late last year... and although they followed an absolutely genius set by Brazilian photographer Didio just a few months earlier...

These in my opinion truly singled out Bernardo's beauty as something short of just perfection cool.
And to be honest, until the spread posted below came out early this August, I was really convinced Bernardo's various 2008 photosets were as good as it gets... Suffice to say, I'm happy to be have been proven wrong mrgreen. You can check out more of Bernardo's photosession with Didio here. You can also check out much more of Bernardo over at Terra's feature page.