Sunday, August 23, 2009

Photographer Dan Astonishes

Hm... So simply picking up a rock near a body of water, somehow manages to turn it into a stunning shot through use of natural light, cloud reflections, and a golden haired subject?... I'd have never guessed cool...
And much like a good portion of photographer/artist Dan Skinner's work, the shot above is in fact unconventional (which I absolutely love cool)... It's unconventional, beautifully executed, and... it also happens to be pretty much original in concept. All in all, I'd say every element that attracts me to photography is present in one form or another throughout this set mrgreen.

You might perhaps recall some of Missouri photographer Dan Skinner's 'artography' (as I like to refer to these) from a previous post a couple months ago back in June. Dan was kind enough to send JBM a couple more exclusive shots this weekend featuring some of his newer material since then...
...And I have to say I was in fact astonished.

So much so I figured I'd post up a couple additional shots from his [insert adjective for hotter than hot] Deviantart page cool... (For any of you guys out there who happen to have an account on that site, I highly recommend finding your way there, and clicking that deviantWatch icon mrgreen).

Truly breathtaking stuff.

Aside from evidently being a photoshop wizard, Dan is also an amazing self-taught photographer with 100s upon 100s of publications from a list of companies too long to cite cool . You can check out more of his work with various other models over at his ModelMayhem page... Dan also took part in a pretty fantastic interview conducted by the Covermenmag website, essentially delving into the how/why factors driving his amazing artwork. You can check out the article here... as well as Dan's gallery over at Covermenmag.