Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Beneath the Gear

I'd like to say we're seeing the best side of Welsh rugby player Shane Williams here, but that would be crass... So I'll just leave it unsaid... yet make an allusion to it... without directly stating it outright... while trying my best to subtly insinu- ah what the hell. This shot is gorgeous.

Perhaps our Brit friends have seen it on a massive billboard while driving around over in the UK? If not then odds are you've seen this version... or perhaps maybe this version... or just the beautiful one posted below featuring Scottish swimmer Gregori Tait...

Way back in January Powerade debuted an Innergear campaign highlighting the key to an athletes success coming from the inside rather than any supplemental equipment (in this case of course, namely clothes)... Suffice to say I couldn't agree more mrgreen. You can check out the actual commercial itself for these ads here.