And bearing even less this go-around than his previous Demons premier back in January... (or perhaps more if you count birthday suits as a fashionable accessory )...
Trinity premiered last night on Britain's ITV network, and wow. Christian (or should I say Dorian) was a pretty despicable character. I'd go so far as to say quite hateful... pompous... self-centered... elitist... egotistical... and of course naturally, gorgeous. Perhaps the apt phrase here is deliciously wicked?'I hate to see you go, but I love watching you leave' is a cheesy line that springs to mind while viewing this clip. Christian is all around beautiful though... and from the looks of things, apparently not just a pretty face. Trinity unfortunately doesn't air in the US, but it's certainly worth keeping an eye out for, for those of us living across seas .Monday, September 21, 2009
Christian Cooke bares all in Trinity Premier
After about a 7 month hiatus following the unceremonious cancellation of Demons, gorgeous 23 year-old British actor Christian Cooke is back ...
9:08 PM